You Can Improve the Function of Your Brain

Get research-backed answers to discover you brain's health and start reducing your risk for the development of serious cognitive problems today.

Let us show you how.

Studies have shown you can have the answers and information you deserve to change your future.



Do You Ever Find Yourself:


Misplacing your phone or keys


Forgetting why you walked into a room


Having trouble recalling someone's name from your past


Frustrated that your memory isn't as sharp as it used to be


Losing your train of thought


Struggling to remember easy details from a conversation


Getting disoriented or lost in familiar places


Concerned about what's going to happen when things get worse

Are you ready to take control of your brain health?

Get Clear Answers Immediately

You shouldn't have to waste time in doctor's offices or spend a fortune to get the answers you deserve. We're on a mission to change this for every single person.

Brain Function Testing brings you clinically-proven cognitive testing in easy-to-use, engaging assessments that can be taken from home. As many times as you want.

We've helped thousands of people get the insights needed to turn their life around. Now you can get the same fast, easy-to-understand answers to change the future of your brain health.

 Experience Peace of Mind


Get the answers you want about your brain health so that you're in control of your future


Implement easy changes and strategies that provide your brain with the fuel it needs to function


See your results and scores change with each follow-up assessment as you develop better brain health 

Try a Sample Assessment For Free!

Taking an assessment for your brain can feel intimidating, but there's no reason to fear! Sample one of our 12 tasks, called Feature Match. You'll see just how simple it is to complete – no study or preparation required! This task will give you insight into how well you can pay attention to details and can be completed in just 90 seconds!

Try a Sample Assessment For Free!

Taking an assessment for your brain can feel intimidating, but there's no reason to fear! Sample one of our 12 tasks, called Feature Match. You'll see just how simple it is to complete – no study or preparation required! This task will give you insight into how well you can pay attention to details and can be completed in just 90 seconds!

What Will My Results Show Me?

With one of our complete assessments, you will get answers in areas of your brain health including:

How Sharp is Your Memory?

Your brain's ability to recall information, events, and instructions is one of the most important elements of cognitive function. See precise data on your memory and how it relates to others your age.

Can You Focus When it Matters?

Concentration and focus are necessary for accomplishing tasks and responding appropriately to events around us. In a world with increasing distractions, you will discover how well you maintain attention.


Are You Quick Enough Mentally?

Making the right decisions based on the information you receive and discerning facts is part of higher reasoning skills. See how sharp your brain is at sorting data and arriving at the correct conclusions.


Plus, other factors that influence daily life

 Discover factors related to processing, communication, comprehension and more. Each assessment includes a series of tasks that give you unique insight and accurate information on how your brain functions.

We'll Give You All the Tools to Succeed

With each assessment, you get clear, easy-to-read reports that show exactly how your brain is performing, what your scores mean, and how they compare to others just like you. You also get 20 research-backed strategies, each of which is proven to improve your brain function. With each follow-up assessment you complete, you get to see trends and changes that track your progress. 

With our Premium Membership, you also get insider access to content from leading experts and our 40 Day Brain-Boosting Lifestyle Program that walks you step-by-step through lifestyle changes that are designed to maximize the improvement of your brain function.

Everything is Clear, Easy to Understand, and You Get Steps You Can Take Starting Right Now.

Unlimited Assessments

If you're taking supplements, medication, or any other steps to improve your brain health, how do you know that they're creating the results you want?

With unlimited assessments, you can finally see how the steps you take to improve your brain function work in real-time. Each test you take shows trends and tracks changes!

This type of cognitive assessment would typically cost between $195-250 at a healthcare provider's office and require multiple appointments. Instead, save time and money and work on your own schedule. With Brain Function Testing, you get convenience, control, and cost-savings.

Backed By Research


Brain Function Testing is built on the Cambridge Brain Sciences platform, which has been:

  • Used in over 300 Peer-Reviewed Studies
  • Backed by 25+ Years of Scientific Research
  • Trusted by Thousands of Healthcare Professionals
  • Featured on BBC, CNN, National Geographic, and The Discovery Channel

Who Trusts Brain Function Testing?

After growing and shaping one of the nation's premiere cognitive improvement clinics and seeing hundreds of people successfully reverse cognitive decline, I set out on my life's mission to prevent the growth of Alzheimer's Disease. The #1 tool that my team uses to evaluate a person's cognitive condition and gauge their progress is Brain Function Testing. I'm thrilled that anyone interested in their brain health can now get their hands on this incredible assessment tool. You simply cannot find anything better out there!

Seth Conger

CEO, Mios Health, and contributor to Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinsonism

As a doctor, it's hard to discern what kinds of assessments will actually help people. But when you find one that works, you use it. That's why I've used Brain Function Testing in my own practice and recommend it for anyone who cares about their brain health. I've helped thousands of people reclaim their lives and their health, and I can tell you, Brain Function Testing is the way to go. You owe it to yourself to see how your brain is performing and then take the steps to improve it!

Dr. Linell King, MD

Owner of Naples Vitality, Johns Hopkins-Trained Internist, Featured on ABC, NBC, and FOX, and Author of the #1 Best Selling Book Mastering Vitality

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change?

Start Taking Assessments Now!

Follow us on Facebook for additional Brain Boosting Strategies!

Christy M. Says:

"I knew that I wasn't as sharp as I used to be. I felt like I was forgetting simple things that should have been really easy to remember. So, when I took my first assessment and got my results, I was really surprised to see that my suspicions were true. Now that I know my score, I can work on addressing my brain health and boost my memory."

Ceil V. Says:

"The day I saw this on Facebook was the best day of my life. I've had ongoing thyroid problems and hormonal problems. I was just generally not feeling well and all of this has really been happening for 15 to 20 years. Now that I've implemented the strategies they recommend, my mind is clearer than it has been in a LONG time and I feel twenty years younger."

Mark H. Says:

"I bought a membership just out of curiosity so I could see how my brain performed against other people my age. Then, I realized how helpful this would be for parents to take. They each bought memberships and their results showed an area of concern for my dad. He took the results to his doctor and came up with a plan that helped him avoid further cognitive decline. We're so happy we caught this early enough to get help!"

Clyde W. Says:

"I heard about Brain Function Testing from some friends who had used it previously. I was struggling with poor memory and losing my train of thought far too often. Now that I'm tracking myself, I'm incorporating the changes they recommend and I can stay more focused on what I'm doing. Based on the improvements I already see, I have hope for a brighter future for my brain health!"

Therisa M. Says:

"I had finally given up on my efforts to be healthy after 25 years of trying. I felt hopeless and no longer cared. My husband helped me see that this might be just what I needed. The positive benefits I've experienced are great and the brain fog has lifted! I mentally function so much better at work and it has even improved my self-esteem and depression. I thought there was nothing I could do about it, but thankfully I was wrong."

Josh O. Says:

"These assessments are really easy to take and give such good insight for people who want to see what their brain is doing. There isn't a learning curve or anything, just follow the instructions. It's so simple! It's actually kinda fun to see how your scores change over time because you get to see yourself improving."

Vik R. Says:

"Brain Function Testing helped reveal mild cognitive impairment for my mom. We didn't know what was happening and we were scared. But this process helped us figure it out so that we could help prevent early dementia. She's on the right track now and doing so much better. So thankful!"


How do I take my assessment?

Once you create an account, you can access your assessment(s) from your account page. As long as you are using a tablet or desktop/laptop computer, you can start as soon as you sign up!

How soon will I receive my scores?

As soon as your assessment is complete, your report is securely posted to your account. If you are on a membership or buy multiple assessments, each successive test you take will generate a new report that shows how your new scores compare to all previous scores.

Can I pay for a membership "all at once" or "upfront"?

Membership is a monthly program with no set expiration date. That means you can cancel or end your membership anytime you want after the first 12 months. 

How long does an assessment take?

The standard assessment can be taken in under 15 minutes. The comprehensive assessment takes around 40 minutes. Don't have time right now? Sign up and send yourself a reminder from within your account to take your first assessment whenever it's convenient.

How often should I take an assessment?

Just like many people get a regular check-ups for their physical health, you should also regularly screen your brain health. Depending on how aggressively you are seeking change, you should take an assessment 4-6 times per year. At a minimum, you should take an assessment every 6 months to monitor your brain health.


What will my scores show?

Your scores will show exactly how your brain functions compared to others in your same age group and gender. You will see measurements for areas including: short-term memory, verbal memory, processing, deductive reasoning, planning, attention, response inhibition, and more.

Is this the same thing as Lumosity or Brain Games?

No. Brain Function Testing is a testing platform that gives you access to clinically proven cognitive tests and results that measure your brain function compared to others in your demographic. Lumosity and other services like it are brain training programs that, along with other therapies, can assist in improving cognitive function.

What is the commitment when I buy a membership?
The minimum commitment for participating in the Membership program is 12 months.

After 12 months you can stay in the program as long as you want, or you can submit a cancellation request to end your Membership.

Which plan is right for me?

The Premium Membership gives you access to every assessment option available (all 12 tasks), including specific 6-task assessments that focus on memory and concentration. There are no limits to how many assessments you can take or which options are available to you. It's the best value and gives you the most comprehensive view into your brain health.

With our Single Standard Assessment option or Standard Membership, you only get access to the Standard Assessment (4 tasks). It's a great place to start for many people and you can always upgrade at a later time.

What am I going to be asked to change?

Boosting your brain function involves implementing easy, proven strategies that have been backed by research. Both our 20 strategies and our 40-Day Step-by-Step Brain Boosting Program provide you the tools needed to make simple, effective lifestyle changes. The best part is that you can focus on them one at a time and see success. You don't have to overhaul your life to begin making progress!